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Wrong pH? Too Bad.

The above is a photo of a Flash / Dune striped Daily tank that developed purple areas after being worn for a run. This is a common thing with this color and it washes out. It happens to me in the armpit area when I wear my Flash/Dune CRB. It's irritating and I hope it goes away after a few more washes but some people don't care to put up with it. One reader made an inquiry to lulu about returning her color-changing Daily Tank and this was the response she got:


You can click on the above email to enlarge it but the body of it says:

"Thanks for your response and for providing a bit more information for us to be able to accurately assess your Daily Tank. This is not something that we will take back as a return or exchange as it does not have to do with the quality or integrity of the garment. I have heard of issues similar to this happening with other guests and it is due to the varying pH levels in sweat which can cause a staining effect on some of our bright colours and should wash out." [bold emphasis mine]

Really? A brand that never used to have trouble with colors changing or bleeding and now does and it's our fault? Apparently we're not supposed to sweat in our athletic clothes. Christine Day is living up to her infamous declaration to the Wall Street Journal that "we aren't Nordstrom" regarding lululemon's attitude towards customer service. C'mon lulu you can do better than this. In fact, I know you have in many, many cases. A little customer service goes a long way. Why make people escalate their claims to get satisfaction? You have a lot of brand loyalty but your recent exponential growth parallels the beginning of the bleeding problems. You aren't going to retain these new customers by continuing to give them a poor product and / or not backing it up with good customer service.
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