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Comparison of Paris Pink, Neon Pink, New Pow and Old Pow (Update)

Here is a great photo comparing all the hot pinks. The Wunder Unders are Paris Pink. The two CRBs stacked in the middle are Neon Pink (the one with the tags is new "Pow" pink which is really old Neon Pink), and the rightmost CRB is old Pow Pink (aka, true Pow Pink). I guess we should called the Pows new-Pow and old-Pow to keep them straight. (Thanks to Mandy for the photos.)


This photo was posted on the Lululemon Facebook page today and this was their response as to why Lulu got the color wrong: 

Hey again ladies,
I wanted to get some insight about the variation you noticed in the pinks, so reached out to one of our product gurus. Colours can vary between fabrics, as they will react differently. However, if an item in the same fabri...
c from another season varies, the older item may look different due to the washing and love it has received over time. Also, the nature of neon dyes is that different dye lots can come out looking slightly different, which could also explain for this variation. I hope this provides some insight and I will be sending all of your feedback about this along to our designers. Thanks again,

 ~ Overworked/not-paid-enough-to-take-crap-on-the-internet-from-lulu-fanatics GEC Flunkie

It's Lulu's standard deny, deny, deny strategy until enough anger has built up then the big our-bad. Just own it now, Lulu. Say the new color was mislabeled.  

Your big fans, the ones with five-figure dollar collections, know their lulu. Treat their lulu tenderly. We don't let it fade. We actually have duplicate new with tag items of Pow Pink or barely worn Pow Pink and Neon Pink in our closets to compare to. We are not wrong. You are.

I know you all at corporate laugh at us because we are fanatical about lulu but since this is your job, you should be as thorough in your attention to detail as we are because, you know, you are paid to do a good job. Did you lose the fabric swatch book that has a copy of every color/print/fabric you've ever come out with? Did you fire all the old timers with institutional memory to save money? Are you massively understaffed? Do you treat your people like crap so you have high turnover? Do you pay cheap and can't get good people? What is the reason there is a lack of attention to detail in so many areas of your company? I'm going to blame Christine Day. It's time for a new CEO who believes in and knows how to maintain quality control. Ok, she grew your company through expansion (Day is a one-trick pony at this), it's time now to bring in someone who believes in good customer service and has a commitment to quality.

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