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Vancouver Warehouse Sale - The Scoop

One of my fellow lulu chat board members got to go to the warehouse sale pre-sale tonight. Here is her trip report. (It was not Lulumum since she got arm-twisted by corporate to keep quiet about what was for sale.) Thanks to Ms. X for her report.

I managed to sneak into the Lululemon Athletica (Ware)House PRE-Party. (One of my friends suddenly invited me to join her, so I went!!)

Basically, Lulu uses the half of BC Place for sale section and the other half for lineup area and the coat-check (free). I guess less than 1000 people were there tonight's pre-party, IMO. I didn't wait to get in the stadium much tonight.(Of course! Today is just PRE-Sale day..!) I waited about 15min or less for coat-check!

+Coat Check+
If you're thinking about going there this weekend, DO NOT BRING ANY BAGS and JACKETS if possible. Lulu won't allow you to bring those in to the sales section. You need to wait for a line for coat-check. Probably, I don't think it's a big problem when you check-in, but...you have to wait for looooooooong time when you get out from the BC Place!!! I'm bit worried about this. A girl who searched my language took about 20 min to find my things... AND, there were waaaaay less than half people than actual Warehouse party....

+Price and Items+
Items I saw were mostly leftovers from this summer and fall/ winter items. The larger the size, the better the selection on bottoms. The smaller the size, the better the selection on tops/ jackets.
All item price between CAD$4.00 to CAD$99.00 + TAX. (No item pries more than CAD$99.00)
I've listed items with prices as much I remember.
- Define Jackets (Power Purple, Light Flash) Sz.2-10: CAD$69.00

- The Pedal Power Rain Jacket, Black/White (I didn't see any in smaller sizes. I remember I saw in Sz.12 and 10s): CAD$99.00

- Run:Bundle Up Jacket, all colours, full sizes: CAD$69.00

- St Moritz Jersey, Beaming Blue, Love Red, bigger sizes: CAD$36.00ish

- Lots of Swift Tee in various colours in full size: CAD$36.00ish

- Most Pants are priced at CAD$55.00
Groove Pants, Black with some colouring on waist, Pigment Blue, Currant-
Dog Runner Pants, Limitless Blue, Alberta Lake
DSPs, Pigment Blue, Currant, White, Grey
Run: Bold In The Cold Pants, Black Lace Reflective

- Crops are priced at CAD$36.00ish
Run: Inspire Crops, Currant, Black, Beaming Blue
Gather & Crow Crops

- Shorts/ Skirts are priced at CAD$29.00
Run: Sprinter
Run: Speed Shorts (not so cute colours...)
Turbo Run Short
Run: Sprinter Shorts (I saw most colours and pattern came out)
Run: Pace Setter Skirt, Milky Way and Pow Elevation Stripe

- Underwear (One with lace and tong), Sz. S-L: CAD$4.00
- Post Savasana bag - CAD$29.00


If I needed to wait for 3hs to get into the sale section, I wouldn't go.
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